Kim Hee-yeonMaster's course
- Bachelor's in Economics & Political Science and Diplomacy, Ewha Womans University (2021)
Sustainable Finance
Energy Infrastructure Asset Investment
Asset Valuation
Kim Hee-yeon is interested in sustainable finance, particularly in environmental and financial valuation methods for energy infrastructure assets. She studied economics during her undergraduate studies and worked for two years at SK Management and Economic Research Institute, exploring corporate sustainability from a business perspective. Building on this experience, her goal is to conduct research that provides accurate and consistent investment information on energy infrastructure assets to financial industry stakeholders, ultimately contributing to carbon neutrality.
Kim Ji-wonMaster's course
- Bachelor's in Chemical and Materials Engineering, Ewha Womans University (2023)
CO2 Conversion
Techno-Economic Assessment
Kim Ji-won is interested in developing sustainable technologies to achieve carbon neutrality. She is currently researching the utilization of captured CO₂ through electrochemical conversion. Her goal is to establish methodologies for objectively evaluating and certifying the greenhouse gas reduction effects of CO₂ utilization technologies as they are developed and implemented.
Kim MinMaster's course
- Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Computer Science, University of California, Irvine (2023)
AI and Big Data
Eco-Friendly Shared Mobility
Kim Min majored in Computer Science during his undergraduate studies and has prior experience participating in various transportation big data analysis and simulation research projects. Currently, he is interested in research on reducing carbon emissions and advancing sustainable technologies in the mobility sector using deep learning and machine learning.
Kim Young-heonMaster's course
- Bachelor's in Computer Engineering, Handong Global University (2024)
Climate AI
Environmental Monitoring
Younghun Kim et al. (2024). FRIDAY: Mitigating Unintentional Facial Identity in Deepfake Detectors Gudided by Facial Recognizers. IEEE International Conference on VCIP.
Doughho Park et al. (2024). PECI-Net: Bolus segmentation from video fluroscopic swallowing study images using preprocessing ensemble and cascaded inference. Computers in Biology and Medicine. (Second author)
김영헌 et al. (2024). 부분적 이미지 조작 증강 기법을 통한 딥페이크 탐지 일반화 성능향상. 대한전자공학회 학술대회
Kim Young-heon is passionate about applied research in deep learning. During his undergraduate studies, he collaborated with medical professionals on research projects utilizing computer vision in the healthcare field. Currently, he is interested in leveraging deep learning technologies in the environmental sector to contribute to carbon neutrality and sustainable technological development.
Kim Yu-jinMaster's course
- Bachelor's in Environmental Engineering & Design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2021)
Sustainable Cities
Shared Mobility
User Experience
Kim Yu-jin is interested in researching low-carbon shared mobility solutions for sustainable cities. Her goal is to design shared mobility systems from a user experience (UX) perspective to ensure seamless usability. Before pursuing her master's degree, she majored in Environmental Engineering and Industrial Design and gained practical experience as a corporate consultant in the field of environmental safety.
KOO, EunhanMaster's course
- bachelor's degree of Science in Mathematical Science, KAIST, Minor in Industrial and System Engineering (2023)
climate system
Tipping point
ombined disaster
Koo Eunhan majored in mathematics and industrial engineering in his undergraduate program, and is interested in research modeling climate systems based on this background. In addition, mathematical modeling is used to study the effects of climate system change, such as tipping points and complex disasters