GGGS KAIST 녹색성장지속가능대학원


Remark * : standard course of the shared course
□ : competitive subject
◎ : Bachelor·mutually recognized course in graduate school

Table of Curriculum
Course Type Course Code Course No Course No L:L:C Semester Remarks
Elective GGS501 GGS.50001 Climate Policy and Finance 3:0:3 S
GGS502 GGS.50002 Energy and Environmental Technology 3:0:3 S or F
GGS503 GGS.50003 Global Green Growth Strategy 3:0:3 F
GGS504 GGS.50004 Science of Climate Change 3:0:3 S
GGS511 GGS.50011 Project for Carbon Neutrality Technology Systems 3:0:3 F ◎ □GGS502 or GGS533
GGS512 GGS.50012 Project for Green Energy Systems 3:0:3 S ◎ □GGS502 or GGS533
GGS513 GGS.50013 Project for Resource Circulation Technology Systems 3:0:3 F ◎ □GGS502 or GGS533
GGS514 GGS.50014 Project for Carbon Neutrality Assessments 3:0:3 S ◎ □GGS501 or GGS521
GGS521 GGS.50021 Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Problems 3:0:3 S
GGS531 GGS.50031 Energy and Environmental Data in the Computational Social Sciences 3:0:3 F *HSS554
GGS532 GGS.50032 Carbon Accounting and Climate Information Disclosure 3:0:3 S
GGS533 GGS.50033 Techno-Economic Evaluation of Green Power Generation System 3:0:3 S
GGS534 GGS.50034 Sustainable Systems Design and Life Cycle Assessment 3:0:3 Summer
GGS535 GGS.50035 Carbon-Free Energy Systems for the Green Economy 3:0:3 S or F
GGS541 GGS.50041 Microeconomics 3:0:3 F *BTM504
GGS542 GGS.50042 Green Economy and Policy Analysis 3:0:3 S
GGS551 GGS.50051 International Relations, Law and Policy of Climate, Environment and Trade 3:0:3 F
GGS552 GGS.50052 Climate and Green Technology Law and Policy 3:0:3 S
GGS571 GGS.59900 Special Lectures on Green Growth and Sustainability I 3:0:3 S or F
GGS621 GGS.60021 Climate and Environmental Scenario Assessment Methodology 3:0:3 F
GGS641 GGS.60041 Theory of Consumer Behavior and Decision Making 3:0:3 S *BTM637
GGS642 GGS.60042 Energy and Resource Economics 3:0:3 S
GGS643 GGS.60043 Advanced Econometrics 3:0:3 F *BTM701
GGS644 GGS.60044 Climate Risk and Sustainable Finance 3:0:3 S
GGS645 GGS.60045 Sustainable Energy Finance 3:0:3 Summer
Mandatory general CC512 CC.50012 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 3:0:3 S/F
Major Required MO501 MO.50001 Modeling and Control of Electric Propulsion Systems 3:3:4 F
Major Elective EE464 EE.40064 Electrical Engineering for Green Energy 3:0:3 F
EE469 EE.40069 Brains, Machines, and Socities 3:0:3 S
CE475 CE.40075 Waste Management for Circular Environments 3:0:3 S/F
ME312 ME.30012 Energy and Environment 3:0:3 F
CBE472 CBE.40072 Introduction to New and Renewable Energy 3:0:3 S
ME476 ME.40076 Carbon-Neutral Energy & Power 3:0:3 S
CD401/402 CD.40001/40002 Multidisciplinary Capstone Design I / II (choose one) 2:6:3 S/F
Elective AI501 AI.50100 Machine Learning for AI 3:0:3 S or F
AI504 AI.50400 Programming for AI 3:0:3 S or F
BTM500 BTM.50000 Advanced Statistics for Management 3:0:3(6) S
BTM530 BTM.50030 Principles of Accounting 3:0:3 S/F
BTM535 BTM.50035 Technology Management and Corporate Finance 3:0:3 S/F
BTM635 BTM.60035 Investments Theory 3:0:3 S
CoE491 CoE.49901 Special Topics in Smart Convergence 3:0:3 S/F
CBE571 CBE.50071 Energy Engineering 3:0:3 S
CBE624 CBE.60024 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment 3:0:3 S
CBE771 CBE.70071 Advanced Electrochemical Engineering 3:0:3 F
CE545 CE.50045 Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Transportation System Analyses 3:0:3 S/F
CE560 CE.50060 Smart and Green Environmental Design 3:0:3 S
CE567 CE.50067 Urban and Regional Sustainability 3:0:3 F
DS501 DS.50001 Statistical Inference for Data Science 3:0:3 S
DS504 DS.50004 Programming for Data Science 3:0:3 S
EE563 EE.50063 Display Engineering 3:0:3 S
EE567 EE.50067 Photovoltaic Power Generation 3:0:3 S
EE568 EE.50068 Introduction to Organic Electronics 3:0:3 F
EE793 EE.70093 Systems and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3:0:3 S
IE541 IE.50041 Advanced Engineering Statistics 3:0:3 S
IE542 IE.50042 Regression Anlysis: Theory and Practice 3:0:3 S
ME554 ME.50054 Future energy-utilization engineering 3:0:3 F
ME616 ME.60016 Mobility Power and Environment 3:0:3 F
MO520 MO.50020 Electric Powertrain Engineering 3:0:3 F
MO531 MO.50031 Battery System Modeling and Control 3:0:3 F
MS526 MS.50026 Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry: Fundamentals and Energy Applications 3:0:3 F
MS617 MS.60017 Solid-State Electrochemistry 3:0:3 S
MS626 MS.60026 Physical Properties of EnergyMaterials 3:0:3 S
STP501 STP.50001 Science, Technology, and Global Development 3:0:3 S
STP601 STP.60001 Survey in Science, Technology, and Public Policy 3:0:3 F
Research GGS960 GGS.92100 Thesis Research in MS S and F
GGS980 GGS.92200 Thesis Research in Ph.D. S and F
GGS966 GGS.93100 Seminar(M.S.) 1:0:1 S and F
GGS986 GGS.93200 Seminar (Ph.D) 1:0:1 S and F