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Combining Science & Technology
with Policy and Finance to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
We integrate science & technology with policy & finance for carbon neutrality

KAIST GGGS pursues a comprehensive understanding
of carbon neutrality technology, policy, and finance,
offering curricula for full-time master's and doctoral degrees.

Doctoral Program

Military-Academy Program

Master’s Program

international students
We have come together to address the challenge of carbon neutrality and lead green growth.
Faculty Information-
National Carbon Neutrality Policy
R&D Policy, Energy R&D Policy
Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Ecological AI
Climate Science, Climate Change Impact Assessment
Corporate Disclosure, ESG Disclosure
Climate Change Law Policy, International Law Negotiations
Energy Demand Innovation, Climate Finance Risk Assessment
Machine Learning, Weather Prediction AI
ESG Management Strategy, a climate change policy
Asset valuation and economic analysis based on climate scenarios
Quantitative Forecasting, Applied Statistics
Climate Economics and Policy
Microeconomics, Mechanism Design
Environmental journalism, risk communication
Green Transportation Systems
Combustion Engineering, Thermal Engineering
Low Power Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
mart Manufacturing, Scheduling
Plasma Catalytic Reaction
Artificial Plants, Brain-Machine Interfaces
Electrochemistry, Carbon Dioxide Conversion
Metabolic Engineering, Industrial Biotechnology
CO2 conversion
Nanostructures, Artificial Photosynthesis
Graphene/2D Materials and Devices, Low-power AI Semiconductors
Energy Materials, Catalysts, Nanomaterials
Renewable energy grid integration
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fuel Reformation
Batteries, Energy Materials, Computational Science
Energy R&D strategy, energy integrated system
Solar Cells, (Photo)Electrochemical
Organic and Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Solar Cells, Renewable Energy
Small Modular Nuclear Power Plants, Power Generation Systems
Liquid Hydrogen Systems
Water Electrolysis, Electrochemical Catalysts
Fuel Cells, Water Electrolysis
Fuel Cells, Water Electrolysis, Batteries
Climate change adaptation, green infrastructure, urban resilience
Urban Design, Urban Analysis, Smart Cities
Sustainable transportation system, restoration of transportation network
Promoting Green Behavior, Energy-Water Nexus
Programming Language, Software Engineering
Bioplastics, Environmental Microbes
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
Edge Computing, IoT, Placeability
Transportation Infrastructure Planning
Sustainable Mobility Systems
Zero Energy Buildings, Green Remodeling
Sustainable Urban Development
We look forward to having you join us in shaping the future of green growth.
Come join us at GGGS!